"Sometimes, indeed, you could put yout finger on a definite lie. It was not true, for example, as was claimed in the Party history books, that the party had invented airplanes." (Page 36)
"The process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound tracks, cartoons, photographs -- to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance....All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as was necessary". (Pages 39 - 40)
"There were occassions when Big Brother devoted his Order for the Day to commemorating some humble, rank-and-file Party member whose life and death he held up as an example worthy to be followed. Today he should commemorate Comrade Ogilvy, It was true that there was no such person as Comrade Ogilvy, but a few lines of print and a couple of faked photographs would soon bring him into existence....Big Brother added a few remakrs on the purity and singlemindedness of Comrade Ogily's life. He was a total abstainer and a nonsmoker, and he had taken a vow of celibacy, belivieving marriage and the care of a family to be incomaptible with a twenty-four-hour-a-day devotion to duty." (Pages 46 - 47)
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